Dermatología en Costa Rica

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Otro estudio demuestra el uso de las camaras de bronceado...

The study of a cohort of over 70 000 American nurses, followed for over 20 years, has enabled to confirm the role of artificial tanning in the increasing incidence of skin cancers. The risk of basal cell carcinoma increases with artificial tanning, especially if this took place during adolescence, with a dose-effect. The risk increases by 15% for 4 annual tanning sessions, which is significant.
This tendency is also found with squamous cell carcinomas, and to a lesser degree for melanomas (risk increases by 11%, which is not significant). Calculations take into account other risk factors associated with the phototype or climate. Current tanning beds, where UVA are predominant, seem to be as hazardous as old tanning beds. These data justify the reinforcement of public information and regulation of artificial tanning. 
Zhang M, Qureshi AA, Geller AC, Frazier L, Hunter DJ, Han J.
Use of Tanning Beds and Incidence of Skin Cancer.
J Clin Oncol 2012, published online on the 27th of February.

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