Guias 2016 Britanicas para el manejo del Sindrome de Steven Johnson/ Lyell.
Initial assessment on presentation | Take a detailed history from the patient and/or relatives |
Perform a full physical examination, including baseline body weight, and record the vital signs, including oxygen saturation | |
Order a set of investigations: FBC, U&E, LFT, glucose, magnesium, phosphate, bicarbonate, mycoplasma serology, CXR, skin biopsy | |
Initiate a primary management plan: (i) establish peripheral venous access; (ii) if patient cannot maintain adequate nutrition orally, insert a nasogastric tube and institute nasogastric feeding; (iii) insert a urinary catheter if urogenital involvement is causing significant dysuria/retention | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Determination of drug causality | Identify causative agent and withdraw immediately |
Strength of recommendation D | |
Prognostic scoring | Calculate SCORTEN within the first 24 h |
Strength of recommendation C | |
Care setting | An MDT should be convened, coordinated by a specialist in skin failure, usually dermatology and/or plastic surgery, and including clinicians from intensive care, ophthalmology and skincare nursing |
Patients with > 10% BSA epidermal loss should be admitted without delay to a burn centre or ICU with experience of treating patients with SJS/TEN and facilities to manage the logistics of extensive skin loss wound care | |
Patients must be barrier-nursed in a side room controlled for humidity, on a pressure-relieving mattress with the ambient temperature raised to between 25 °C and 28 °C | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Skin management regimen 1 (applicable to all patients in all settings) | Employ strict barrier nursing to reduce nosocomial infections |
Take swabs for bacterial and candidal culture from three areas of lesional skin, particularly sloughy or crusted areas, on alternate days throughout the acute phase | |
Administer systemic antibiotics only if there are clinical signs of infection | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Skin management regimen 2 (this may involve a conservative and/or surgical approach based on the specialist MDT's daily review of the individual needs of the patient) | Institute a conservative approach in all patients as follows: |
Regularly cleanse wounds and intact skin by irrigating gently using warmed sterile water, saline or an antimicrobial such as chlorhexidine (1/5000) | |
Apply a greasy emollient, such as 50% white soft paraffin with 50% liquid paraffin, over the whole epidermis, including denuded areas | |
Apply a topical antimicrobial agent to sloughy areas only (choice should be guided by local microbiological advice). Consider silver-containing products/dressings | |
The detached, lesional epidermis may be left in situ to act as a biological dressing. Blisters should be decompressed by piercing and expression or aspiration of tissue fluid | |
Apply nonadherent dressings to denuded dermis [suitable dressings include Mepitel™ (Mölnlycke Health Care, Dunstable, U.K.) or Telfa™ (Covidien, Mansfield, MA, U.S.A.)] | |
A secondary foam or burn dressing should be used to collect exudate [suitable dressings include Exu-Dry® (Smith & Nephew, London, U.K.)] | |
Consider transfer to a Burn Centre in patients with TEN (> 30% BSA epidermal loss) and evidence of the following: clinical deterioration, extension of epidermal detachment, subepidermal pus, local sepsis, wound conversion and/or delayed healing. In a burn centre, conservative measures may be supplemented with a surgical approach: | |
Remove necrotic/loose infected epidermis and clean wounds using a topical antimicrobial agent (e.g. betadine or chlorhexidine) under general anaesthetic | |
Consider debridement with Versajet™ (Drytac, Bristol, U.K.) | |
Physiological closure with Biobrane/allograft/xenograft skin in patients with early presentation involving noninfected and large confluent areas | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Fluid replacement regimen | Site venous lines through nonlesional skin, whenever possible, and change peripheral venous cannulas every 48 h |
Monitor fluid balance carefully: catheterize if appropriate/necessary | |
Establish adequate IV fluid replacement initially. Fluid replacement can be guided by urine output and other end-point measurements. Individualized fluid management should be adjusted on a daily basis | |
With improvement of SJS/TEN mouth involvement, oral administration of fluids should be progressively increased | |
Strength of recommendation D | |
Nutrition regimen | Provide continuous enteral nutrition throughout the acute phase |
Deliver up to 20–25 kcal kg−1 daily during the early, catabolic phase, and 25–30 kcal kg−1daily during the anabolic, recovery phase | |
Strength of recommendation C | |
Analgesia | Use a patient-appropriate validated pain tool to assess pain in all conscious patients at least once daily |
Patients should receive adequate analgesia to ensure comfort at rest, with the addition of supplementary opiates, as required | |
Additional analgesia may be needed to address increased pain associated with patient handling, repositioning and dressing changes | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Supportive therapeutic measures | Immobile patients should receive low molecular weight heparin |
Patients in whom enteral nutrition cannot be established should receive a proton pump inhibitor to reduce the risk of stress-related gastrointestinal ulceration | |
Neutropenic patients may benefit from recombinant human G-CSF | |
Strength of recommendation C | |
Treatment of eye involvement | Daily ophthalmological review is necessary during the acute illness |
Apply an ocular lubricant (e.g. nonpreserved hyaluronate or carmellose eye drops) every 2 h through the acute illness | |
Ocular hygiene must be carried out each day by an ophthalmologist or ophthalmically trained nurse | |
Application of topical corticosteroid drops (e.g. nonpreserved dexamethasone 0.1% twice daily) may reduce ocular surface damage | |
Administer a broad-spectrum topical antibiotic as prophylaxis (e.g. moxifloxacin drops four times daily) in the presence of corneal fluorescein staining or frank ulceration | |
In the unconscious patient, prevention of corneal exposure is essential | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Treatment of mouth involvement | Daily oral review is necessary during the acute illness |
Apply white soft paraffin ointment to the lips every 2 h through the acute illness | |
Clean the mouth daily with warm saline mouthwashes or an oral sponge | |
Use an anti-inflammatory oral rinse or spray containing benzydamine hydrochloride every 3 h, particularly before eating | |
Use an antiseptic oral rinse containing chlorhexidine twice daily | |
Use a potent topical corticosteroid mouthwash (e.g. betamethasone sodium phosphate) four times daily | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Treatment of urogenital involvement | Daily urogenital review is necessary during the acute illness |
Apply white soft paraffin ointment to the urogenital skin and mucosae every 4 h through the acute illness | |
Use a potent topical corticosteroid ointment once daily to the involved, but noneroded, surfaces | |
Use a silicone dressing (e.g. Mepitel™) to eroded areas | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Treatment of airway involvement | Respiratory symptoms and hypoxaemia on admission should prompt early discussion with an intensivist and rapid transfer to an ICU or burn centre, where fibreoptic bronchoscopy should be undertaken |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Active therapy | If active therapy is instituted it should be given, ideally, under the supervision of a specialist skin failure MDT in the context of clinical research and/or case registry |
Strength of recommendation D | |
Discharge and follow-up | Give the patient written information about drug(s) to avoid |
Encourage the patient to wear a MedicAlert bracelet | |
Drug allergy should be documented in the patient's notes; all doctors involved in the patient's care should be informed | |
Report the episode to the national pharmacovigilance authorities | |
Organize a dermatology outpatient clinic appointment, and, if required, a n ophthalmology outpatient appointment, within a few weeks of discharge | |
Refer for review to unit with appropriate subspeciality interest | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) | |
Diagnostic testing | Routine drug hypersensitivity testing is not recommended following an episode of SJS/TEN |
Seek specialist advice on hypersensitivity testing where (i) the culprit drug is not known or (ii) medication avoidance is detrimental to the individual or (iii) accidental exposure is possible | |
Strength of recommendation D (GPP) |
FBC, full blood count; U&E, urea and electrolytes; LFT, liver function tests; CXR, chest X-ray; GPP, good practice point; BSA, body surface area; ICU, intensive care unit; SJS/TEN, Stevens–Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolyis; MDT, multidisciplinary team; IV, intravenous; G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Benjamin Hidalgo-Matlock
Skin Care Physicians of Costa Rica
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