Dermatología en Costa Rica

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Diet and skin quiz

You answered:

Exclusion diets can clear patients' atopic dermatitis. 

True or false? 






Answer: False. While the reduction or elimination of specific dietary triggers may improve the severity of some patients' atopic dermatitis, very rarely is their eczema completely resolved, says dermatologist Peter Lio, MD, clinical assistant professor of dermatology and pediatrics at Northwestern University. In fact, complete avoidance of certain foods may carry additional risks of the patient developing anaphylaxis or nutritional deficiencies (J Am Acad Dermatol 2014;71: 1039.e1-12).

Dietary supplements can trigger dermatologic disease flares.

True or false? 






Answer: True. "Spirulina, a popular supplement, contains phycocyanin, which is a blue pigment protein that has been linked to pemphigus flares in a human case report, as well as in virto animal and human studies," says dermatologist Reena Rupani, MD.

Heavy dairy and sugar consumption can exacerbate acne. 

True or false? 






Answer: True. "Dairy and sugar can increase serum levels of insulin and insulin-growth factor like-1 (IGF-1)," says Vivian Shi, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. "These hormones can then increase keratinocyte proliferation in the hair follicles and increase lipid production in the sebaceous glands. Together, these events lead to follicular occlusion or comedone formation, which is the inciting event for acne development."

Which of the following have been implicated in rosacea?

Select all that apply. 





Spicy foods





Answer: A, B, C. The consumption of alcohol, spicy foods, and high-temperature foods have been reported as common triggers of rosacea. However, formalin-containing foods such as wet noodles and tofu, as well as niacin-containing foods such as turkey have also been implicated in rosacea.

A gluten-free diet can result in measurable skin improvement for vitiligo patients. 

True or false?






Answer: False. "Vitiligo and celiac disease share a general concept of autoimmunity in their pathogenesis, however the story with vitiligo is much more complicated, in that there is not a specific measurable antibody for diagnosis or monitoring disease progression," says Dr. Rupani. "Studies looking at seropositivity of celiac IgA anti-endomysial antibodies and IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies in patients with vitiligo have been mixed, and no conclusive linkage can be drawn."

High glucose levels can prematurely age the skin. 

True or false?






Answer: True. Diabetes prevention and careful control of glucose levels through healthy eating is an important facet of skin anti-aging, says Rajani Katta, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at the McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Houston. "Higher levels of blood sugar cause the creation of new compounds that damage collagen and make you lose elasticity. On the skin, we see that as wrinkles and sagging, but if you also think about collagen in your blood vessel walls, that elasticity is really important to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease as well."

Which of the following compounds can cause pemphigus flares in genetically predisposed patients?

Select all that apply.









None of the above



Answer: All of the above. Thiol, a sulfur compound, occurs in many foods, including garlic, onion, cabbage, coffee, chocolate, beans, chlorella, and coriander leaf. Phenolic compounds can be found in common staples such as tomatoes, apples, peanuts, mangos, cashews, bananas, oranges, cocoa, colored fruits (such as red grapes and cranberries), and milk. Condensed tannins can be found in coffee, tea, wine grapes, several types of berries, barley, and herbs such as mint, basil, and rosemary. "Interestingly, in some cases even water can be a contributing factor to disease exacerbation," says Dr. Rupani. "The high tannin content in Brazil river water, which typically decreases with urbanization as tannins are removed by chlorination, may be a reason for endemic fogo selvagem."

Consumption of sweet and high-fat foods have been found to worsen hidradenitis suppurativa.

True or false?






Answer: True. "The role of dietary intervention in hidradenitis suppurativa is an exciting area," says Dr. Shi. Research has found that sweet foods, complex carbohydrates, dairy, and high fat foods tend to worsen HS, while vegetables, fruits, and white meat consumption tend to alleviate HS.

Cholesterol-lowering supplements have been linked to disease exacerbation in which of the following?

Select a choice. 










Answer: Lupus. "An interesting, and perhaps lesser-known, dietary culprit in systemic lupus is L-canavanine, which is an amino acid that affects T-cell regulation of antibody synthesis and lymphocyte proliferation, and has been a reported factor in disease exacerbation in both experimental animal models as well as human case reports," says Dr. Rupani. "L-canavanine has relevance as a common dietary supplement taken for its cholesterol-lowering benefits. This is yet another example of why it is important to obtain a thorough supplement history from our patients."

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Benjamin Hidalgo-Matlock
Skin Care Physicians of Costa Rica

Clinica Victoria en San Pedro: 4000-1054
Momentum Escazu: 2101-9574

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