Acne y recaida
What's hot
October 1, 2021
In this monthly column, members of the DermWorld Editorial Advisory Workgroup identify exciting news from across the specialty.
We all know how frustrating it can be when a patient's acne returns after isotretinoin, requiring them to undergo a second course. A better understanding of why this occurs could be very beneficial for prescribers. So, what are the risk factors for acne relapse in patients who then undergo a second course of isotretinoin? Prior studies have identified factors such as cumulative dose, male sex, younger age, and severity and treatment duration to be associated with acne recurrence. A more recent retrospective review published in JAAD (2021. Mar; 84(3): 856-9) found two main risk factors. Compared with control patients who only had to undergo one course of isotretinoin, patients who relapsed were more likely to have received a lower cumulative dose (128.1 vs. 159mg/kg p< .005) and to have a shorter duration of treatment continuation after acne clearance (32 vs. 65.4 days p< .005). The authors note that the latter finding of extending the isotretinoin treatment well beyond the clearance date is a relatively new concept. These results support that extending isotretinoin treatment at least two months beyond acne clearance is important to prevent relapse
Skin Care Physicians of Costa Rica
Clinica Victoria en San Pedro: 4000-1054
Momentum Escazu: 2101-9574
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